
My daily life overshadowed by psychosomatic pains translates into inspiration in my work. Instead of simply enduring, I take advantage of an otherwise debilitating condition.

Through my practice, I explore the relationship between the body and the mind. Through an experiential approach, I develop my body awareness and reclaim this body that has become foreign to me. In doing so, I experience impermanence through discomfort induced by the cold.

Through a series of performative actions, I metaphorically recreate the context from which these incessant afflictions stem. A videographic and photographic installation exposes this intuitive process based on endurance and resilience.

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Discover her universe

Véronique Hamel 2024 © All rights reserved

Discover her universe

Véronique Hamel 2024 © All rights reserved

Discover her universe

Véronique Hamel 2024 © All rights reserved